Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm hot cuz i blog, you aint cuz you don't

Cleeeearly i only blog when i am suppose to be doing something else, and that is what brings me here this evening. Lucky you. I am sitting in the library with my girlfriend, who i just convinced to make a blog, and now she has vowed to be a blogaholic. She's going to need rehab, and i don't think i'm commited enough to stick by her side for that. She is also a whore of a distraction. I mean, i guess its a good distraction...if you like whores. My screen has sauce smears on it from when i spit out a whole mouthful of noodles at my computer because that whore of a distraction showed me a picture of some homeless hooker. Giggle fits like that just make everything wrong with life seem okay, at least for the moment.

[Side Note]
I really want this:
Like, how fucking rad is that!

Anyways, i watched 'Seven Pounds' last night at like 2am. I was not ready for that. I don't think i am emotionally stable enough to watch a movie like that. I was a mess. I was in a glass case of emotion. I found it to be oddly inspiring, yet it made me think about my life as it is. I feel this overwhelming pull to find myself and my purpose. Of course i love what i am studying here, and i don't regret my career path, but there are so many other things i want to do in life. I have these passions for traveling, and music, and photography, and writing. I want to stand up for what i believe in. I want to volunteer as much as possible. I want to make a difference. I want to show the world who i really am and what i can become. I feel like i am being held back. I struggle with this sense of identity, not in the way that i am like pretending to be someone i am not right now, but in a way that i want to step out of my element, surround myself with positive people that inspire me, and just enjoy life and be able to express myself however i want. I was up thinking about this all last night after that devil of a movie. It was actually a nice thinking sesh, eye-opening.

So, i took out my eyebrow ring for good and my face feels really weird without it, but it was time. I needed a change.

The gf just sent me this obnoxiously sad video that made me shed a tear, in the library. Cool. It related to pretty much everything i just blogged about, which was weird but also inspiring. Heres a quote i snagged from it:

"Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; try to be who you really are"

Oh! and i finally decided what i want for my tattoo, and possibly the location. Maybe i will tell you about it later. Maybe not.

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