Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So, it's night two at the library. The progress on my project is weak sauce.
Last night me and Amelia were being total all-nighter posers. We accomplished nothing productive in the 789 hours that we were here..unless you call blogging, playing mafia wars, taking genius photos, and disrupting actual studiers with our laughter productive. I am not fucking around tonight. Shit is getting done. I am taking a well earned break to blog right now. People deserve blog breaks! It's inhumane to suggest i spend the whole night at the library without blogging.

I spent the first half of the night at the union instead of the lib for two reasons:

1. Grande Caramel Big Chill
2. The smell of the stairwells*

*I am still in the process of researching, but i am almost certain you can get orgasms from smells. It is hands down the most amazing, delicious smell i have ever let my nose experience. It's not like i set up shop in the stairwell and do homework, but i do linger for over 2 minutes. Second best orgasm i've ever had, i'm just sayin'.

While closing time was creeping close, i was pondering possible hiding spots to lengthen my stay. Do they really check all the rooms before they lock up and leave? And i wasn't just pondering for me, i was pondering for the homeless. Sometimes it's these simple thoughts that save lives. Just lookin' out for my 'homies'.

The union closes at 2am, so i had to relocate to the library. They can close the building, but they can never close my will to study! Which brings me to the whole point of my blog: I have awoken this morning with the stigmata of Jesus on my hand!

Like, are you kidding me? HOW did i get a bruise there? How does someone wake up with crucifixion wounds on their hand? If i was catholic, or didn't bruise easily, i would be worshiping my sore hand. I think Jesus is trying to tell me something, and it is probably something along the lines of 'go do your fucking project'



  1. everything about this one is amazing.
    union smells are the best. and i feel like people should start to worship you maybe?

  2. I was going to tell you that it looked like the nail from Jesus! I just didn't know if it would have been appropriate, so I remained silent. :) I should have said it because nothing I say is ever appropriate so its normal for me to say things like that. Oh and P.S. I do need rehab, I am in class and all I want to do is blog! Love You!
