Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blog yo face off

So i sit here trying to find anything and everything to do that does not include reflection symmetry and proving why a rhombus is a parallelogram. I find it necessary to stray from studying for my math exam until the last possible minute because honestly, i despise rhombi and am not particularly fond of parallelograms either. I also don't quite understand why i get razzed so hard in class for calling more than one rhombus 'rhombi'. It seems perfectly fine to me. If they don't want to speak my sophisticated math jargon, that is their own prob. Sure, say rhombuses, you sound like a d-bag.

I don't blog. Really i am doing this to kill time, time that should not be killed, time that i should rather embrace the life of with rhombi. A dear friend of mine, whose name shall go unmentioned for my own sake, started blogging and i find it oddly entertaining to read. It is now bookmarked, which is how you know it is important, right above and below Perez. At least i have my priorities straight.

Okay, I've learned to accept that awkward things just happen to me and most times i embrace them, but seriously?! I am sprawled out on this couch, basically making myself at home and i see someone walking towards me, smiling. He says 'Hiiiiiiii' in this crazy high pitched voice. I'm thinking okay that was weird, i don't think i know you. I am not generally a rude person, especially to high pitched voiced strangers, so i throw out a 'Heyyyyy' in an equally creepy high pitched voice. He is startled and shocked by my response and says 'oh' while he is uncomfortably pointing behind me to the person that he was obviously saying hi to. Like, YOU HAVE TWO LAZY EYES then sir! you were clearly looking at me, and don't pretend you weren't. He should be embarrassed for himself, yet sadly, i know he was just embarrassed for me. I mean, the situation could had gone differently if i had not chose to use the high pitched creepy voice, but you know, sometimes you can't help how your voice comes out when strangers fake approach you.

For future reference, if i had to be a polygon i think i would want to be an octagon, because it rhymes with 'octomom'. Okay, well it doesn't rhyme, but same fucking diff. She's a cunt, and I'm going to steal her children.

study time!

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